Monday, January 17, 2011

what you need - 10 things to pull you out of the ditch

Someone recently asked me how I actually got to the place that I am currently in. I guess to define this place, I'll say I'm finally okay with my ex departing so abruptly. (Most days I'm actually happy about it)

I'm ready for whatever job is around the corner, the awesome new, unexpected relationship I landed myself in, the 1/2 marathon I am training for, and the challenges that face me daily with a little determined, precocious four year old.

I can't put my finger on just one thing. I came up with a list of things that thankfully brought me out of the haze that I was in for the greater part of the year last year.

1) Therapy: The first thing I did was get myself a damn good therapist. This situation was consuming me and my family 24/7, it was important that I had an outlet and someone to help me heal and build my confidence. Therapy did just this, and in no time, I was really able to begin putting things into perspective.

2) Coaching Crew: Many of you know that I coach rowing for an all girls private school. This can be challenging on many levels, but never the less, it's one of my favorite things on earth to do. I spend a lot of time preaching to these girls to toughen up and push themselves through adversity. Crew is a sport that requires this if you are going to survive one season of it. I realized that as a role model for them, I really should take my own advice. It helped me center myself back to who I really was as a person and where some of my character actually came from. It also reminded me that I am good at something and was a positive influence to these young athletes. It also helped that my two assistant coaches, both guys, have ridiculous humor and I was always laughing about something.

3) I got a kindle: For my birthday, I got a kindle. It was foreign to me at first, and weird, because I really love books and libraries, but I got used to it. I downloaded a trashy novel best seller, and threw myself into it. Before I knew it, I was downloading another book and was semi back into being the avid reader that I was prior to this drama in my life. I just kept in mind that I didn't have to blow through 10 books in a month and kept my goal to one per month and it ended up being really helpful in keeping my mind busy. I also reminded myself that I didn't have to read Jane Eyre or Canterbury Tales, it could be something light and entertaining.

4) Playlists: I am very much into music and spend most of the day listening to a variety of tunes, from Michael Buble, to DMB to The Allman brothers, and lots of stuff in between. I made lots of playlists over the year. The songs were sad or angry. Some of them brought me to tears immediatley. This was a good release of emotion. As the year went on, I realized that I no longer had tears when I listened to these lists and I found that by the early part of the fall, I was actually making totally different lists that had nothing to do with my divorce. This, to me, was a sign of real healing. At this point, I don't think I have one list left on my computer or my ipod from my divorce.

5) Organize: Obviously when your spouse leaves the house, he leaves some empty drawers, clothes hanging in the closet, bikes in the garage, books on the shelves etc.. Get RID of it all. I spent Sundays boxing things up and just leaving them in the garage for him to load into the car when he brought my daughter back after his weekend visits with her. This also annoyed him (which gave me a bit of pleasure), as he had to load boxes and boxes into his car all winter long. When he fought me about taking it, I threatened to leave them in the hall of his apt building. This is something he was deathly afraid of, as he didn't want me to run into his new girlfriend, who was actually living there at this point. After all the boxes were gone, I enjoyed taking all the closet space just for me and organizing the shelves in the basement a bit. It was a good feeling, and it gave me a sense that this house was now mine.

6) Bake: I learned a new task, baking. About 8 months prior to my ex's departure I began to bake bread. My friend Sara told me how easy it was; no bread machine, no mixes, just real flour and your old fashion mixer. So I tried it. It was around this time that he began expressing his unhappiness about our marriage, so I tried to occupy my mind by baking homemade bread. This really became kind of a hobby. When he finally did leave, I actually started baking all kinds of stuff. There were many mornings I was up at 4 or 5 am, and I would come down in the kitchen and just bake something. I have done all kinds of things, from wheat bread, raisin bread, white bread, cinnamon buns, crumb cake, and apple cake. My new thing in the fall was pie. Of course, I give most of it away. I think the reason why I enjoyed it, was because it was something in my day that I could completely control. I couldn't control what he did or was going to do next, so I could get out ingredients and bake something, and I knew it would turn out great. It was a positive experience. No, I'm not opening up a bakery, but I do hope that some day there are more people here to eat all of this, or I'll weigh 300 pounds in no time. I think throwing yourself into a hobby is a great thing and it makes the time pass. This seemed to help me with just that - passing the time.

7) Girls weekend away: Finally after crew season was over, I took two of my best sidekicks and went to
OCNJ for the weekend. I stayed at my parents house, luckily, it was inexpensive because of this, and we had a great time. We drank wine, sat on the deck, watched the boats go by, sat on the beach, went out drinking a bit, slept in and went to breakfast. It was awesome to get away and they appreciated it emmensly. These two girls were there for me no matter what during the heat of it all and I couldn't thank them enough if I tried. They have become practically family to me.

8) Dinner outings: Once a month, I tried to get together for dinner with a friend. This was great for me, because I got to take off my sweatpants, and put on clothes and cute jewlery and listen to what was going on with someone else for a change. Lets face it, you need a break from your own problems for a bit. This was a good way to check in with people and let them know that you are there to listen to them too, even if it was just for a quick dinner. Everyone has stuff going on, I wasn't the only one. It was healthy for me to get a break from my then 3 year old too.

9) Do something that you and your ex actually used to do together: This sounds nuts I know. But really, it is therapuetic, no matter how hard it is. I got engaged in NYC.  I spent a good bit of time in NY with my ex frequently throughout the years. We had friends, family etc up there. (my ex eventually had another life up there with his mistress too- go figure :) But in any case, I went in June by myself to stay overnight and visit friends. It was really hard, and I don't know if I was really ready, but I am glad that I went. I reconneted with friends from highschool, and I shopped a bit, got a makeover at Bergdorfs (and of course bought all the make up totalling way over my budget), went running and came home the next evening. The positive thing I took away from the trip, was that I can still go to NYC and have fun. The experience didn't belong solely to 'us' as a couple. It belonged to me as much as I wanted it too. It was proof that I could absolutely enjoy it as much as I wanted too even being without him.

10) Date:  Really. You need to at some point, go on a date. When you're ready, it's important to get out and date. It's questionable when and if you're ready.  Even when you begin to date, in the early stages, you will question your emotional ability. But honestly, you're going to have issues, and insecurities. If you've been through what I went through, you were basically gutted by your HUSBAND/WIFE. FOr me, my husband was supposed to protect me from any harm, not actually cause the worst kind ever. Clearly, this left me with a lot of issues. And there are going to be insecurities that come out in the most random ways. One good thing I found, is that if you're 35 or even older, you will know exactly what you are looking for. TRUST ME! And it's important to consider the fact that you're not getting married, you're just having a drink or dinner with someone. You're going on a date. But I encourage all who have been where I am, to go out and date at some point. You have NO idea what is waiting for you around the corner and honestly, you could totally meet your soul mate when you least expect it. And how great would that be?

So if you've been through what I've been through, hopefully you can take part in things similar to this. Trust me when I say, that before you know it, a year will pass, then 18 months, and you don't want to be in the same spot that you were in on day 1.

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